
Social Media Marketing

With many old and upcoming businesses adapting to virtual operations, now Social Media Marketing has become more critical than ever to reach new potential customers and build a solid social media presence for your label. Social media marketing allows your brand to reach out to millions of customers worldwide. With Covid-19 bringing life to a standstill, it has become necessary for all companies to promote their services and products to make a strong brand impression as people are spending more time on social media. Plus, a social media presence always helps customers trust the brand.

Our SMM Process


Develop a Social Media Strategy That is Specific to Your Business

We develop tailormade social media strategies based on research and competitive analysis to provide an efficient content strategy that works for your business while developing a buyer’s persona and cost-effective advertising strategies that will show you the roadmap to success.

Competitor Analysis

We start by understanding the competitors to help you gain valuable data for keyword research and other social media marketing insight. Also, we highlight the content and messaging that works for your industry while monitoring the competitors who have a larger audience.



Creating Engaging Organic Social and Paid Campaigns

We, at Webbit, try to understand which type of content is the most engaging with your customers and work on scheduling posts at regular intervals. Checking the health of engagements and interactions frequently, we try to help your business grow organically.

Tracking Your Social Campaigns

We work with data for creating custom audience targeting your brand and for understanding the campaign ads that have worked in the past. We replicate high performing social ads while also improving the engagement for each campaign spread across multiple sites.



Managing & Monitoring Your Social Reputation

Tracking and optimizing the engagement rates, click-through-rate and leads is something we specialize in. Optimizing your user base and improving the Return on Investment on paid campaigns will lead to a better understanding of user needs.

Reporting and Communication

We keep track of brand mentions across social media and work towards uplifting the brand’s value. We monitor the reviews and customer feedback to get a deeper understanding of social engagement from campaigns. We manage the reputation of the company on social media by being responsive and attentive to user sentiments.



Develop a Social Media Strategy That is Specific to Your Business

We develop tailormade social media strategies based on research and competitive analysis to provide an efficient content strategy that works for your business while developing a buyer’s persona and cost-effective advertising strategies that will show you the roadmap to success.

Competitor Analysis

We start by understanding the competitors to gain valuable data for keyword research and other social media marketing insights. Also, we highlight the content and messaging that works for your industry while monitoring the competitors who have a larger audience.



Creating Engaging Organic Social and Paid Campaigns

At Webbit, we try to understand which type of content is the most engaging with your customers and work on scheduling posts regularly. Checking the health of engagements and interactions frequently, we try to help your business grow organically.

Tracking Your Social Campaigns

We work with data for creating custom audiences targeting your brand and for understanding the campaign ads that have worked in the past. We replicate high performing social ads while also improving the engagement for each campaign spread across multiple sites.



Managing & Monitoring Your Social Reputation

Tracking and optimizing the engagement rates, click-through-rate, and leads is something we specialize in. Optimizing your user base and improving the Return on Investment on paid campaigns will lead to a better understanding of user needs.

Reporting and Communication

We keep track of brand mentions across social media and work towards uplifting the brand’s value. We monitor the reviews and customer feedback to get a deeper understanding of social engagement from campaigns. We manage the reputation of the company on social media by being responsive and attentive to user sentiments.


Why Social Media?

Build Awareness

Social Media Marketing lets you reach a wide range of audiences that would otherwise not know about your brand. SMM not only helps you create a digital footprint in the virtual world but also generates a broader client-base. Promoting business on social media like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest can make your business well-known across the globe.

Show Authenticity

Social Media Marketing strategies allow you to connect to your customers directly, so they know you are a real deal. Your digital presence brings a sense of trust, which can drive sales. Being authentic will make the brand approachable and instill confidence in users’ minds.

Build a community

Having a business domain always adds value to the business, as existing customers can refer your business to potential customers, which builds trust among users about the brand. A social media account lets you create your community as people following your account can read reviews of your product and interact with other customers.

Much cheaper

Social Media Marketing is the most cost-effective advertising strategies. Anyone can create a business account, and investing a small amount and a little time in promoting the business gives a greater return. The cost that you pay for promoting your brand is much cheaper when compared to other marketing strategies.

Higher Conversion Rates

As Social media gives more visibility to your brand, there is a higher chance of conversions. Having an active social media account with engaging and interactive posts humanizes your company. It assures the users that your brand is legit giving space for more people to buying your services and products.

Engage with your customers

Communication is the key to building trust in any brand. Having a two-way communication channel with customers lets, you understand their needs and makes it easier to put your brand message forward while gaining their attention towards your brand. Resolve their queries quickly and build an excellent reputation for your brand to acquire new users.


If you have customers who use the internet, then no matter what kind of business you have, SMM will work when implemented with proper research. We’ll help you find the right audience and apply strategies to drive sales.

Yes! You can choose the set of services you want for your brand and reach out to us for a quotation for your personalized package.

At Webbit, we have social media specialist certified in e-marketing. We will attach one of the representatives to your company and he’ll be taking care of all your accounts

All the content is custom made for your business by our Content Specialist to provide appealing content to please your customers and improve the conversion rates

Yes. If enquiries are raised by your customers we’ll go in a sort through the issue with the user keeping you in the loop so you can cross verify.

Yes. Your designated social media specialist will respond to all the comments almost immediately, so the customers feel valued.

Yes. For Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest we need your login details. Facebook LinkedIn and YouTube don’t need the login credentials as long as you make us Admin/editor for your brand page.

Yes, contact us for exclusive and exciting discounts that we offer based on your requirements. If you want to order multiple plans at once or want to pay for any plan for 6/12 months, you can contact us for a discounted quote.

Yes. We believe in maintaining consistency, which helps to improve your brand value. The same content will be posted on all the social media, but the associated text will be optimized according to the standards of the respective platforms.

We publish posts, messages, landing pages and blogs. The content we publish online can take different forms such as advice, benefits, best practices, checklists, contests, did you know, expert opinion, how to, interesting facts, motivation, questions, quotes, statistics, step-by-step, tips and tricks, top lists and trends.

Accountants, architectural firms, bakeries, car dealerships, cleaners, clothing stores, construction companies, art & deco. stores, dentists, doctors, electricians, florists, funeral homes, furniture stores, grocery stores, gyms, hair salons, spas, health and beauty companies, hotels, jewelers, juice companies, landscapers, manufacturers, optometrists, pet shops, pharmacies, photographers, plumbers, real estate, restaurants, trade associations, travel agencies, technology industry and veterinarians

Yes, we do have 7 days no-questions-asked refund policy for the Starter and Regular plan. If you’re not satisfied with our service within 7 days of your order, we’ll refund the entire amount. No questions asked.

Your account manager will be posting content on your profiles as per the details you submitted and the discussions with you. Hence, usually the content we publish is in-line with your ideas. But, if you don’t like any piece of content posted by us, you can just notify the same to your account manager and we’ll take care of it.

We encourage our clients to give us the feedback about content as often as possible. Let it be good or bad. We always want to make sure that our posting style matches your brand voicee on social media.

we don’t send content separately for review. You or the client can login to the dashboard anytime to check all the scheduled content and let us know if any edits should be made.

One round of edits is totally fine and if there’s any mistake from our side we’re happy to do additional Revisions.

No! All the work is done by our team here at Webbit. Our content specialist provides us with the content and our social media specialist will post content and interacting with your customers.

We use both organic and paid approaches to grow your followers. Both approaches will be optimised according to your business need to make it cost-effective.

No! We take care of all the setup that your company needs for free and we do not charge extra for this service.

Yes, for sure we can. We come up with expert solutions for lead generation to attract the correct target audience, so leads retention won’t be a problem. We make sure we drive the audience to your website.

No! We believe in transparency, hence you pay for what you see. You can unsubscribe from the plan anytime you want.

Social Media Marketing is an ongoing process, and the results are progressive each month. That being said, you should start seeing results within the first 30 days.

We believe communication is the key to provide the best service to our clients. We ideally communicate 2 to 3 times a week depending on the project scope.

This completely depends on the business you want to promote. Every business needs different social media marketing to reach their marketing goals. We’ll look at your business goals in-depth and let you know what platforms you need.

Yes. Tracking new leads is easier as we send reports to you monthly. We also make it easier for you to keep track of the real-time data in the form of leads, mentions, increased impressions and more.

For sure. We will create and maintain your accounts through all the platforms in an optimized way for building brand awareness and to help in lead generation.

Yes, your social media posts are promoted based on the packages you choose with us. 

Not really when you consider that you are saving yourself the time and energy of meeting with all the different media reps on an ongoing basis and then taking the time to determine what is best. When you save time and use someone else’s expertise, you save yourself time and money. Depending on what you need, Webbit can actually save you money. Because we know best how to negotiate and ask the right questions so you get the best rate available and added value when possible.

No. selection of a social media platform depends on the end goal you want to achieve and kind of business you want to promote.

Yes, we can. Our Plus and Enterprise plans are designed to fit the needs of big and growing businesses.

You can upload them to a folder on your Dropbox or Google Drive and share the link with us! We’ll use those in the content.

I create a social media strategy, inclusive of crafting content to promote your brand, products and services, text and visual content, boosting posts. As a client, you do not create content. All the content is created for you.

We have combined the leading social media in packages to maximize your visibility and your message on many platforms at the same time. We offer social media packages with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, google business and Pinterest. We have also Tumblr and YouTube.

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