
Paid Ads

Pay per click is an indispensable tool for all businesses who are striving to become successful. PPC, as opposed to SEO and social media marketing strategies, will allow you to generate traffic and build a promising customer base quickly. In the PPC model, you pay only when the customer clicks on your ad, and this is a feasible solution for increasing brand awareness. A PPC campaign involves keyword research, organizing campaigns, and building optimized landing pages.

Our PPC Services Process


Keyword Research

We conduct extensive research on keywords and come up with various keyword match types while removing negative keywords to get you, high-quality clients. The keywords are optimized and assigned to a match type of business and build the query according to which the ad will show.


Ad Text Creation

At Webbit, We come up with creative and optimized ads that emphasize the benefits so that you can target users’ emotions and show them how to resolve their problems. We have experts that come with innovative ads to target user sentiments in a not repetitive manner.


Landing Page Optimization

Our Webbit team optimizes every element on your landing page to help your business achieve the targeted conversion rate. We work on creating well-structured landing pages that align with the users’ intent to gain better quality.


Competitors Analysis

We work on understanding your competitors and for what keywords they have optimized their landing pages, ads, and keywords. We use various tools like Google Search Console, SpyFu, Ahrefs & Semrush, to gain access to historical advertising information that your competitors once used to make the campaign successful.


A/B Testing

At Webbit, We craft multiple ad copies and work towards testing them against each other. We come up with two ad copies at the beginning, compare their Click-through rate (CTR), discarding the least effective ad copy, and continuing the process for all the subsequent ad copies.


Campaign Management

We have effective campaign management strategies that range from picking the right keywords to optimizing your campaigns. We work towards understanding in which geography, on what device, and at what time is your campaign giving the best result so you can cut out the campaigns that do not work for you.


Conversion Tracking

We generate conversion goals to gauge account performance. We place code snippets on key pages like the thankyou page or order confirmation page to verify if the clicks are being converted, and you are gaining value by the PPC model.


ROI Tracking

Return on investment and Return on Ad Spends are calculated to keep track of how your campaign is doing. Metrics like Click-through rate, Cost per conversion, and conversion rate indicate the performance of the campaigns.

Why PPC?

Drives tons of traffic immediately

PPC campaigns take very little time to set up and work like a charm to drive traffic almost instantly. PPC Ads are active within an hour, and you should expect visits and clicks to your site soon after unlike SEO.

Provides quick result to business

PPC advertising gives your business the exposure by allowing your ad to be on the first page on the top of search engines Google, Yahoo, and Bing, which generates a ton of traffic within no time because people generally do not go beyond the first page

Increases traffic, sales and revenue.

PPC ads get placed in multiple pages on the web and drive a targeted set of audience as they show up according to customer preference. This increases the ad’s relevance to the customer, hence solidifying the chance of improving the company’s sales and revenue.

No need for SEO implementation

There is no need for separate SEO implementation while you have a PPC campaign running. PPC deals with keyword research and puts your advertisement on the first page of the popular search engines within a short period as opposed to SEO, which takes months to show results.

Targets the desirable audience.

With PPC, you can advertise your product or service to a targeted set of audiences who need your product or service, ensuring a higher conversions rate. By targeting the relevant keywords, you can open your business to high paying clients.


Pay per click is an advertising strategy that enables your business to place your advertisement anywhere on the web. PPC ads can have videos, text, images to engage customers while you get to promote your business across the globe on different platforms like search engines and social media.

Yes! Historic data shows that Ads that appear in search results earn more than 45% of page clicks. Usually, people who click on the ads need the solution almost immediately resulting in higher conversion rates.

The main difference between SEO and PPC is that traffic coming from SEO is organic or free traffic but the traffic generated with PPC is paid for meaning you pay for each clicks that lead to your site.

PPC gives you results as soon as your first ad goes live. But for achieving optimal results it requires months of fine-tuning and management of advertising campaigns to get the best quality scores.

Yes! As we stress in all our post, we at Webbit believe in transparency and so we’ll send in reports from time to time and also schedule calls with our marketing consultants to resolve any queries you might have about the campaigns.

We provide weekly/Monthly reports that showcase the performance of your already running campaigns and have call tracking facilities.

A landing page is a well structured and optimized page that is the destination for your ad click. Every time someone clicks on your ad, they are led to these pages to increase conversions generated from PPC campaigns.

Landing pages help redirect the user to perform desired actions like filling out forms, making a purchase or getting in touch with your business. Landing pages mostly determine the ROI of the business if they are well-structured. That being said some businesses do not need landing pages and we are here to determine the need for these landing pages.

Remarketing is a marketing tactic that allows you to target people who have already visited your website in the past. This marketing strategy helps in converting the customers who have visited your website by showing them your ads on multiples webpages.

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