

Ranking the website on the first page of any search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo! has proven to be the most effective way to grow a business. As the visibility of a platform improves on cyberspace, the ROI increases, justifying the importance of SEO. With fierce competition, companies find it extremely essential to make their digital presence felt.

Our SEO Services Process


Client’s Goals

At Webbit, We strive to understand our clients goals so we can provide a customized plan according to their digital marketing needs. Clients come up with their marketing goals so we can determine their SEO Goals.



After understanding your goals, we start the implementation process by creating a feasible, well-structured plan with the help of our experienced professionals who combine strategies that have previously shown incredible results and come up with new approaches based on the needs.


Website Audit

Webbit’s SEO experts scan your website end to end to assess the current raking of your website. We work towards increasing search engine visibility by addressing loopholes to optimize your site’s index on Goole and other Search Engines.


Keyword & Market Research

Keywords play a very important role in catapulting your website to the top of any Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). Our SEO specialist research for relevant keywords and make sure that you have an upper hand with search engine crawlers and algorithms.


Competitive Analysis

Your business competitors are not just the ones in the real world. The companies ranking on top of SERPs against your targeted keywords are also your rivals. We study competitors to understand the exact competition you face.


On-Page SEO

Optimize your assets like contents, HTML code, H1 tag, internal and relevant links, meta title and description, improving the look and feel of your site to make it search engine friendly, and many more. Our specialists thoroughly check all the pages and come up with effective optimization


Content Creation & Implementation

Connect with your audience better with exclusive and engaging content. We create content that is aligned with your SEO goals and provide interesting content in the form of text, images, infographics, videos to rank higher on the SERPs.


Digital PR & Link Building

We use Digital Marketing strategies to promote your company online and to build curiosity amongst the targeted customer base. We use link building strategies to make your site more crawlable and attract search engines.


Performance Tracking

SEO works when it is active and on-going. We track the performance of the chosen SEO strategies regularly. We use CRM tools to track the progress and activity of each project. Therefore, Webbit focuses on providing the best SEO services in Mysore.

Why SEO?


Rank on the 1st page of Google to gain visibility and credibility for those searching for the services you provide. Create greater brand awareness and build trust in the virtual world and increase the conversion rate. Get a higher clickthrough rate by staying at the top.


Generate organic leads that are targeted to specific needs. Users looking for services that you intend to provide are more useful, in turn improving the chances of conversion. Gather more traffic for free, using viable and proven SEO approaches.


Expand your reach to latent customers by earning recognition as you appear on more search queries. Boost your online reputation by proactively curating SEO-driven content, websites, and search engine results pages (SERPs) achieved through search queries successively growing your offline business.

Long-Term Gains

Build a massive base of an audience over time, increasing traffic to the website. Once your page starts getting organic traffic, you can stop paying for ads to generate leads. You can move ahead of your competitors by coming up with unique SEO strategies.

Enhanced User Experience

Users trust Google’s algorithm for selecting their service provider. Your website will rank higher and have better SEO score only if the user experience is optimized. Taking design decisions based on the industry will improve the user experience.


Search Engine Optimization is a commonly used term but is still an obscure concept to many. SEO is basically boosting traffic quality and quantity for a website organically and for “free” through search engine results.

Organic SEO is an online marketing strategy that involves optimizing website contents, keyword research and many more to help rank your website at the top of organic, unpaid search engine results pages.

Yes! Webbit Mysore can help you rank the website Higher and improve the visibility to the website attracting more traffic eventually. Once the traffic increases, sales will go up and the revenue will enhance.

Ideally, it takes about 4 to 6 months to see results on ROI. SEO deals with a lot of On-Page and Off-Page changes that take time to get cached by Google. Also link building, content writing and optimization take some time.

It mostly depends on the number of keywords optimized or the revenue generated. Sometimes this varies based on the type of keyword being optimized or the targeted locations. 

Yes! The impact of SEO on the business will be sent to the clients at the end of every month in the form of reports that contain all the progress of that particular month. The report includes details like ranking improvements, lead conversions, improvements in lead generation.

No! All of the services are provided by our in-house SEO experts and Digital Marketing Experts. We believe in the quality of service so who better than us to provide the best service to our clients.

Goal conversion tracking system in Google Analytics helps to gauge ROI. Monthly reports will also tell whether SEO is working or not based on the improvement rate.

Website design is a very crucial aspect of any successful virtual business. An optimized website is easy to crawl and index. A responsive website is also an SEO friendly website as users can access it from different devices.

Results change daily. This is also unique to the browser history and location of the user searching for it. We at Webbit, generate the report with random IP address after clearing the browser cache to get a brand new search.

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